English: Foggy sunrise in San Francisco and Bu...

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On gratitude today: I am so grateful for attaining new perspectives through personal growth. I struggled with so much stress, fear, worry, anger, despair, for years because of changes and endings in my life. Now, I can see that change does not mean an ending as much as it means a new beginning. A fresh start. New opportunities. A second chance. A clean slate. When I focus on the potentials in a new beginning instead of the losses in an ending, I can breathe. I can smile. I can think clearly and plan for the future. This viewpoint brings that “peace that passes all understanding,” so I know it is a divine viewpoint.

I am learning that dwelling on why things are different, why they have to change, and how I am ever going to cope with losses is deadly to my emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. It is a negative perspective that will only suck me further down the longer I give it my energy and power over my life. Eventually my dark demeanor will permeate everything else in my life if allowed to remain. It is a crippling virus of the spirit that will rob me of my very life.

But opening myself to the positive brings hope, light, peace and joy. This energy will also expand bringing me greater ventures, more good opportunities, more love and beauty to my world. I am blessed. I am fortunate. I am a divine child of this universe with the power and providence of the Creator God at my disposal. As long as my desires are for the good of myself and others, my heart’s desires will be mine. But God has a funny way of wrapping the presents He sends me. They are seldom wrapped up in the ribbon, bow, and box I expect them to be in. They come in unimaginably creative packaging! Of course they would, as they are sent from the greatest creator! I just need to be willing to look outside the box for my gifts. It becomes easier to find them and recognize them when I expect them.

So I am grateful that God has taught me to expect His good gifts in every situation. No matter what things look like. No matter how dark it seems. I know if I search for the light, it will come shining through like a beacon and lead me home to Him.

via (2) Jodiebeth Slatton-Bloedel.